Solution package and source code are available at Codeplex.
- Added support for Calculated and Lookup columns with DateTime output
- Sorted column selection (alphabetically)
- Initial release
Human | Millennial | Freelance | Developer | SharePoint | Google | Tech | Disrupt | Freedom Is Good
{{for recenttracks.track}}
{{if #index < 5}}
<a target="_blank" href="{{>url}}">
Type | Format of the datasource (JSON or XML) |
Datasource | URL of the datasource |
Template | URL of the JsRender template |
Javascript | URL of custom Javascript files that needs to be loaded, for example for JsRender helper functions (optional) |
CSS | URL of CSS file |
Disable caching | Normally, the template and the data are cached for about an hour, but with this option enabled the template and data will be refreshed every request. |
Linkify | Enable this if you want to Linkify. Wrap the content that needs to be linkified in a linkify css class |
Hashtag search prefix | URL prefix that's used to Linkify hashtags (optional) |
Type | JSON |
Datasource | http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=achappey&api_key=80b1326fb347ed61e59f65a782480c3e&format=json |
Template | https://sites.google.com/a/achappey.nl/achappey-nl/home/develop/data2html/sources/tracksDemo.tmpl.html |